Re: [OFFTOPIC] Very amusing DNS...
Chris Wedgwood (
Wed, 17 Jun 1998 18:33:15 +1200
On Wed, Jun 17, 1998 at 12:02:25AM -0500, Shawn Leas wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, Dean Gaudet wrote:
> > Or, just maybe, they wanted to have a system to do interoperability
> > testing. It would be very welcome IMNSHO. I'm tired of discovering
> > protocol flaws between their HTTP clients and Apache for them. There's
> > any number of valid reasons they would run a linux box, and none of them
> > have anything to do with windows being too unstable.
> You mean like how they've failed miserably to move hotmail's services over
> to NT? They use FreeBSD for the web server, and in runs Apache. The mail
> servers are solaris, because of kernel threading I hear.
> Case In Point - One for the home team
Dead _never_ said windows was stable. He just said there were lots of
reasons they might have a linux that aren't necessarily related to
stability, and interoperability is one possibility.
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