>Hi I had a problem with my filesystem and ended up with the /lost+found
>directory full of files which can not be deleted.
>The files have attributes like the following
> total 2053687446
> b--xr-Sr-x 1 12554 27769 61, 60 Dec 8 2000 #1009
> c---rwx-w- 1 26992 14898 48, 48 Jan 14 1994 #1012
> br-sr-SrwT 1 30578 14649 53, 50 Jan 21 2026 #1018
> br-xrwSr-- 1 2660 31024 60, 32 May 31 2000 #1021
> br--rwsr-x 1 28019 11864 48, 54 Sep 13 2028 #1022
> br-x-wS-w- 1 29811 12848 48, 48 Oct 23 1998 #1041
> cr-srwS-wT 1 26978 28275 99, 46 Dec 19 2001 #1052
> b--xr-s--x 1 12605 25920 46, 110 Mar 9 1996 #1055
> br-xr-s--t 1 29800 8292 49, 10 Mar 24 2029 #1056
>and a du produces the following
> -936295712 ./#281
> -1030091966 .
>any idea how this sort of file may be deleted?
GNU rm has a force unlink option which I used one time to get rid of a
directory entry which contained an entry that looped back to itself on a
SunOS system. Unlike Sun's own utilities, including fsck (which crashed do
to the unending directory tree), GNU special rm option help me resolve this
problem. It might do the same for you. I think this option may only work
on directories but you can use it on lost+found and then recreate it after
you got rid of the offending files. By the way, be sure to run e2fsck as
soon as possible after this operation as this operation leaves lost
allocation units that must be recovered. And remember to DELETE not save
any file recovery requests from e2fsck or else those file may pop back up.
>in real life: Joseph Skinner |There's no such thing as a wizard
>email: joe@earthlight.co.nz |who minds his own business
> Analyst/Programmer ECL | - Berengis the Black
>http: www.earthlight.co.nz/users/joe| Court Mage to the Earls Caeline
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