> On Wed, 17 Jun 1998 12:01:37 -0400 (EDT)
> Adam D. Bradley <artdodge@cs.bu.edu> wrote:
> > I'm working on a design for a log-structured FS with things like high
> > availability and dynamic volumes (i.e., add/remove disks on the fly)
> > in mind. Current working-name is "XLFS", likely to change regularly
> > until I turn an alpha version loose on the list ;-)
> Please think about NOT adding/removing disks but instead using
> resized volumes.
> Have a look at my Logical Volume Manager (LVM) at
> <http://www.linux-kongress.de/nachlese98.html>
> and
> <ftp://ftp.msede.com/pub/linux/lvm>.
> The LVM does the job of resizing volumes at run time without
> beeing stuck to partition limitations.
The LVM is certainly a powerful tool, and a standard LFS could very
easily take advantage of it; however, there are some kinds of
functionality I want to play with that require explicit awareness of
distinct physical volumes. (Consider software-variable striping and
redundancy, for example, or ways of implementing "guaranteed disk
bandwidth" in the style of SGI's XFS.)
-- You crucify all honesty \\Adam D. Bradley artdodge@cs.bu.edu No signs you see do you believe \\Boston University Computer Science And all your words just twist and turn\\ Grad Student and Linux Hacker Reviving just to crash and burn \\ <>< ---------> Why can't you listen as love screams everywhere? <--------
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