> > utilities) for Linux. If it is IE, the addition of MS as an application
> > provider for Linux should be benifitial to us.
> Beneficial?? First off, if MS makes a product for Linux, this means a portion
> of the Linux community will be at least partially dependent upon Microsoft
> products... this means, in the end, we CAN'T DO without Microsoft! That is what
> many other software developers are stuck in... as well as hardware vendors. Of
> course, I would boycott any MS product made for Linux... but some people might
> not. That's their own choice, but it still helps Microsoft eventually topple
> Linux right on its head as it has so many other operating systems. (e.g.
> DR-DOS, OS/2...)
Just look at it this way:
In half a year, we're going to be the _only_ OS that's
running MS Internet Exploder at a decent speed...
Will that mean that MS can't do without _us_ and that
some of the internetting population will switch to
us :-)
MS might just topple itself by showing that there _is_
one platform where IE runs at full speed.
Oh, and OS/2 definately isn't toppled! It still has twice
the number of users Windows NT has, and NT is being widely
touted a succes :)
| Linux memory management tour guide. H.H.vanRiel@phys.uu.nl |
| Scouting Vries cubscout leader. http://www.phys.uu.nl/~riel/ |
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