2.1.106 stress test failuer

Isaac Connor (iconnor@penultima.ml.org)
Fri, 19 Jun 1998 13:26:57 -0400 (EDT)

My stress test was to run a make -j compile on something that would
actually require some power. My choice was kde. In specificity, the
kdebase peice of the distribution.

What happened:

It went fine for about a minute, and then it just stopped. No errors in
the logs that Ic ould find. It just stopped. It was still responsive to
ping, and inetd was still active (I could connect, but telnetd wasn't
getting run to talk to me). The console when I got to it was also dead.
Unfortunateyl, I have monitor power off set in X, and the screen was
blanked, so there was nothing to see.

So there you.

PPRO 166 Dual 256k cache
128 Meg EDO Ram (Fairly stable, havn't had any problems with it yet)
Buslogic SCSI BT958
Seagate 2.1 GIG HD (SCSI)
3c509 B net card
Micronics W6LI MB

Isaac Connor

PS: I don't think this requires any response, it's just to let you know
it happened.

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