> Well your at least partially to late. Their version of Apache for use with
> FrontPage 98 can already run on Linux. And how exactly are they suppose to
> topple Linux by making applications for it?
By creating the network that depend on NT boxes for their operation. The
same reason for MS support for Samba using NT domain controller but not
Samba _as_ the domain controller (IIRC).
> DR-DOS never had much of a
> market.
It was used, just users didn't see any difference, so they assumed, it's
> OS/2 also never had much of a market
For some time it had significantly more market than NT -- just IBM, as
usual, was so bad at marketing, it didn't promote OS/2 well.
> and died because it LACKED
> applications amoung other things.
Lacked native applications. Windows emulation allowed to run a lot of
Windows software.
> MacOS shrank because it force one into a
> proprietary architechture that cost much more and also lacked the amount of
> applications that DOS and Windows had.
MacOS shrank because underlying OS is technically inferior to everything
else except DOS, and user interface didn't give them too much of advantage
when Microsoft caught up on it.
> So I do not see how they are going
> to kill Linux by giving us an app written by a brand name company that RUNS
> on Linux.
Dependence of that company's actions. Look at Photoshop for Irix and
-- Alex
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