> There appears to be a deadlock of some kind with loop devices under
> 2.1.106-ac4 and SMP. Executing the following command locks my system dead:
> mount isoimage.raw -r -t iso9660 -o loop /mnt
> Running a non-SMP kernel and the above works a treat. The problem was also
> present in 2.1.106-ac3 and -ac2, but these are the only kernels I've tried
> since getting the SMP box, so it may well have existed in previous kernels.
> It looks like something is going awry inside ll_rw_block called from
> loop.c's do_lo_request. A spinlock thing perhaps?
How many times does this have to be rediscovered? You are very correct,
and there was supposed to be a fix coming. This has not materialized.
And yes, I believe it was a spinlock misuse thing.
> I'll continue looking at it, but if this rings any bells for anyone and
> they get there before me, give me a shout.
> Rick
> --
> Rick Payne, Senior Network Admin | Meddle not in the affairs of
> NETCOM Internet Ltd. | dragons - for you are crunchy &
> rickp@corp.netcom.net.uk | taste great dipped in chocolate.
> -
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