> When any of this software dies, it leaves the console a mess.
> The shell is unable to understand keystrokes. Not even console
> switching works.
There are more problems with raw mode and tty switching: Hold down
alt, press F9 (to get into X). Now press something. Hey, X forgot that
alt is down!
Doing raw mode right is pretty hard to do with tty switching in
My solution would be:
Allow console switching (done by kernel) in raw mode.
Make everyone use medium-raw mode.
When switching to console in medium-raw mode send list of all keys
pressed to that program. (Prefixed with 'autosend' and postfixed with
'/autosend' code.)
This still does not solve xyz app crashing, but at least you can
switch consoles after that. It also makes shifts work accross vt
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