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On Tue, 23 Jun 1998, Geoff Hardy wrote:
> Hello.
> I was wondering if anyone knows if there are existing drivers, or plans to
> write such, for any of the higher-end sound cards, such as Event
> Electronics' Darla/Gina/Layla, Midiman, Korg, E-mu Systems, etc...
> I'd like to do development on a high-end PC sound/music editing
> application for Linux, but I would hardly find it worth using if I
> couldn't use a higher end card with full-duplex, digital output, multiple
> input lines, etc., and I'd much prefer to use Linux over Microslug OSes.
> I'd appreciate any information anyone could give me or pointers to other
> resources.
> Thanks, a lot,
> Geoff Hardy
> ghardy@biztravel.com
> -
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arms. Karl Marx -- Introduction to the critique of Hegel's Philosophy of
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