Re: Thread implementations...

Ernest ter Kuile (
Wed, 24 Jun 1998 13:44:13 +0100 (MET)

> (Gerard Roudier) writes:
>>select() and poll() are slow by design, at least in user-land.
>>Existing programs will get benefits, but this is not a long term
>>solution. The right solution is an asynchronous completion mechanism
>>as DEC O/Ses are offering since more than 20 years.
>So we will now get a VMS vs Unix flame war here?

Wel, as VMS is slowly dying, it might be a good idea to salvage
their many good features before everybody forgets about them.
The asynchronous completion mechanism is really usefull.


E-mail : ing. Ernest J.W. ter Kuile
Tel. : (NL)(0)50-3633545 Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut
ICQ : 10055163 Groningen, The Netherlands

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