Re: sysctl

Stefano Giacometti (
Thu, 25 Jun 1998 20:02:23 +0200


bug in kernel 2.0.33 in do_sysctl() in sysctl.c
Corrected from version 2.0.34

-----Original Message-----
From: Stefano Giacometti <>
To: Linux Kernel <>
Date: gioved� 25 giugno 1998 18:00
Subject: sysctl

>Hi all, I have setup, by means of register_ctl_table() call, some entries
>/proc/sys filesystem, and I can read and write to these entries with no
>problems using:
>- echo 15 > /proc/sys/var to write
>- cat /proc/sys/var ro read
>The problem is that I cannot find the way to read/write from inside a user
>space apps, using the sysctl() call. I can read the other /proc/sys/kernel,
>/proc/sys/net, /proc/sys/vm, but I cannot find my table. Maybe because this
>table has been defined someway dinamically (that is I did not modify the
>sysctl.h files adding my CTL_VAR defines).
>In normal conditions to read /proc/sys/kernel/osname (for example) I pass
>the CTL_KERN(=1) and KERN_OSTYPE(=1) parameters to the sysctl and the call
>returns me the right answer. But what must be done if I have registered my
>table (eg /proc/sys/atm/) from the device driver, without defining it in
>sysctl.h? Which parameter (number) must be passed to sysctl?
>Thanks to everybody in advance!

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