On Sun, 28 Jun 1998, Jordan Mendelson wrote:
> I was browsing some web pages on CPU cooling and I found a reference to two
> programs called rain and waterfall. They claim to lower your CPU's temp by
> up to 30 C and in some cases, extend the power on a laptops battery by up to
> 30 minutes.
> The FAQ says they do this by sending the HLT command to idle parts of the
> CPU, thereby putting them into suspend mode causing them to stop generating
> heat.
> Has anyone thought of implementing such a thing in the linux kernel? Their
> webpage is:
> http://cpu.simplenet.com/leading_wintech/
> Jordan
> --
> Jordan Mendelson : http://jordy.wserv.com
> Web Services, Inc. : http://www.wserv.com
> -
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