Re: autofs - blocking system
H. Peter Anvin (
30 Jun 1998 19:27:27 GMT
Followup to: <>
By author: Bernd Rinn <>
In newsgroup:
> while using autofs with the 2.0.34-Kernel we experience lock-ups of
> shells, when the shell tries to execute programs, that are available
> over NFS/autofs-directories from NFS-servers currently unavailable. We
> use non-blocking-operation for NFS-mounts (parameter 'intr' in each
> auto-map) and indeed you can break a 'ls <dir>', where <dir> is a
> autofs'd directory on an NFS-server, that is currently
> unavailable. But if you try to start a program (especially if you have
> such a directory in your path), the shell locks, no way to escape
> (only when the NFS-server gets available again). Is it possible to
> avoid this nasty behaviour under 2.0.34? (If not, does anyone know, whether
> it occurs under, too?). Thank you for your help.
It *should* be interruptible, but I no longer maintain the 2.0.x
branch of the code, so if it's broken, it will stay that way.
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