[acceptable solution (if properly implimented) deleted]
I'd like to pose the question, Is this really necessary?
On your home machine I can't imagine more than 1mb on the average system being
wasted to this excess.
On a server, I can't imagine _wanting_ to recover space (under any scheme)
when most servers have a cyclic nature, and even if space were saved for a
period of time, there was a time (hours or days ago) when the directory NEEDED
to be that large.
And on busy servers, where you might have 20-30 mb tied up this way (a news
machine just after expires), within 12 to 24 hours they'll be full again.
In any case, I always have 100's of extra MBs of drive space laying around.
Even if I could recover 50mb for 12 hours or a week, it I wouldn't care, it's
such a minor thing.
-- Ted Deppner ted@psyber.com http://www.psyber.com- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu Please read the FAQ at http://www.altern.org/andrebalsa/doc/lkml-faq.html