Re: tty probs in 2.0.35
Alexander Kjeldaas (
Thu, 16 Jul 1998 22:42:32 +0200
On Thu, Jul 16, 1998 at 07:53:11PM +0200, Kalle Andersson wrote:
> Hi Alan Cox and everybody.
> I randomly get this error in my logs.. Haven't found a way to reproduce
> it either...
> kernel: Warning: dev (03:02) tty->count(1) != #fd's(2) in do_tty_hangup
> any ideas?
> This is a clean 2.0.35....
I saw this yesterday on a basically clean 2.1.106 as well. I've only
seen it once.
Alexander Kjeldaas, Guardian Networks AS, Trondheim, Norway
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