Free pages: 584kB
( Free: 146 (48 96 144)
18*4kB 14*8kB 5*16kB 2*32kB 0*64kB 2*128kB = 584kB)
Swap cache: add 57461/57461, delete 57276/57276, find 0/0
Free swap: 24380kB
2048 pages of RAM
351 reserved pages
241 pages shared
185 pages swap cached
28 pages in page table cache
Buffer memory: 244kB
Buffer heads: 281
Buffer blocks: 244
CLEAN: 193 buffers, 0 used (last=0), 0 locked, 0 protected, 0 dirty
LOCKED: 47 buffers, 21 used (last=43), 0 locked, 0 protected, 0 dirty
DIRTY: 2 buffers, 0 used (last=0), 0 locked, 0 protected, 2 dirty
Networking buffers in use : 16
Total network buffer allocations : 1530
Total failed network buffer allocs : 0
IP fragment buffer size : 0
1:43pm up 28 min, 5 users, load average: 5.11, 5.43, 4.19
52 processes: 48 sleeping, 4 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states: 108.3% user, 4.1% system, 107.7% nice, 0.0% idle
Mem: 6788K av, 6216K used, 572K free, 1784K shrd, 244K buff
Swap: 33228K av, 8868K used, 24360K free 2024K cached
Pages table cache takes up 114,688 bytes, quite a bit. Lots of free memory
and cache and the disk light is still on solid from swapping. 8MB actually
booted, 4MB wouldn't boot normally (it finished all rc.d scripts but never
actually gave a log in prompt) but worked with init=/bin/bash. Actually,
it's somewhat usable...
A bit later:
Free pages: 552kB
( Free: 138 (48 96 144)
16*4kB 13*8kB 2*16kB 3*32kB 0*64kB 2*128kB = 552kB)
Swap cache: add 74299/74299, delete 74178/74178, find 0/0
Free swap: 23988kB
2048 pages of RAM
351 reserved pages
331 pages shared
121 pages swap cached
20 pages in page table cache
Buffer memory: 244kB
Buffer heads: 282
Buffer blocks: 244
CLEAN: 165 buffers, 0 used (last=0), 0 locked, 0 protected, 0 dirty
LOCKED: 45 buffers, 21 used (last=36), 0 locked, 0 protected, 0 dirty
DIRTY: 1 buffers, 0 used (last=0), 0 locked, 0 protected, 1 dirty
Networking buffers in use : 16
Total network buffer allocations : 5317
Total failed network buffer allocs : 0
IP fragment buffer size : 0
Think I'll go try 5, 6, 7 MB and see if they boot.
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