On Sun, 19 Jul 1998, Erik Andersen wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 16, 1998 at 11:34:55AM +0200, Ragnar Hojland Espinosa wrote:
> >
> > 109pre2 SMP locks up hard at random times when trying to read from a cd.
> > (note, it locks up when the read is about to start, before the led has
> > even been lit)
> >
> > ____/| Ragnar Hojland (ragnar@lightside.ddns.org) Fingerprint 94C4B
> > \ o.O| 2F0D27DE025BE2302C
> > =(_)= "Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer for 104B78C56 B72F0822
> > U chaos and madness await thee at its end." hkp://keys.pgp.com
> >
> I'll add this to my list of cdrom bugs. Even if I fix it, I don't
> know if linus will still let bug fixes in for 2.2, even for cases
> where the kernel locks up hard... I will look into this as I get
> a chance though. I'll have to plug my mitsumi drive back in -- I've
> got a cdu31a, a sbpcd, and a ide-cd writer plugged in right now, with
> no space for more.
> -Erik
> --
> Erik B. Andersen Web: http://www.inconnect.com/~andersen/
> email: andersee@debian.org
> --This message was written using 73% post-consumer electrons--
> -
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