the sound blaster driver has been changed to use the uart401 module but
it still calls sb_dsp_midi_init(), which results in an extra use count
in the soundcore module. sound_unload_mididev() is no longer called,
Also, there is one call in sb_midi_interrupt() left in sb_intr().
Should this be moved to something in uart401.c ? Then sb_midi.c could
vanish. And should things like the uart module have a use count of
their own or is that just unnecessary overhead?
The second potential problem is just a mis-merge in the hfmodem sine
table: If you have already generated the table the patch will go in
cleanly, so file will contain the data twice :^)
--- linux/drivers/sound/sb_common.c.orig Sun Jul 19 15:16:44 1998
+++ linux/drivers/sound/sb_common.c Mon Jul 20 02:04:13 1998
@@ -861,11 +861,6 @@
if (devc->major == 3 || devc->major == 4)
- if (!(devc->caps & SB_NO_MIDI))
- sb_dsp_midi_init(devc);
if (hw_config->name == NULL)
hw_config->name = "Sound Blaster (8 BIT/MONO ONLY)";
--- linux/drivers/char/hfmodem/tables.h.orig Sun Jul 19 02:40:31 1998
+++ linux/drivers/char/hfmodem/tables.h Sun Jul 19 02:40:49 1998
@@ -88,93 +88,3 @@
32609, 32646, 32678, 32705, 32727, 32744, 32757, 32764
- * This file is automatically generated by ./gentbl, DO NOT EDIT!
-#define SINTABBITS 9
-static short isintab[SINTABSIZE+SINTABSIZE/4] = {
- 0, 402, 804, 1206, 1607, 2009, 2410, 2811,
- 3211, 3611, 4011, 4409, 4807, 5205, 5601, 5997,
- 6392, 6786, 7179, 7571, 7961, 8351, 8739, 9126,
- 9511, 9895, 10278, 10659, 11038, 11416, 11792, 12166,
- 12539, 12909, 13278, 13645, 14009, 14372, 14732, 15090,
- 15446, 15799, 16150, 16499, 16845, 17189, 17530, 17868,
- 18204, 18537, 18867, 19194, 19519, 19840, 20159, 20474,
- 20787, 21096, 21402, 21705, 22004, 22301, 22594, 22883,
- 23169, 23452, 23731, 24006, 24278, 24546, 24811, 25072,
- 25329, 25582, 25831, 26077, 26318, 26556, 26789, 27019,
- 27244, 27466, 27683, 27896, 28105, 28309, 28510, 28706,
- 28897, 29085, 29268, 29446, 29621, 29790, 29955, 30116,
- 30272, 30424, 30571, 30713, 30851, 30984, 31113, 31236,
- 31356, 31470, 31580, 31684, 31785, 31880, 31970, 32056,
- 32137, 32213, 32284, 32350, 32412, 32468, 32520, 32567,
- 32609, 32646, 32678, 32705, 32727, 32744, 32757, 32764,
- 32767, 32764, 32757, 32744, 32727, 32705, 32678, 32646,
- 32609, 32567, 32520, 32468, 32412, 32350, 32284, 32213,
- 32137, 32056, 31970, 31880, 31785, 31684, 31580, 31470,
- 31356, 31236, 31113, 30984, 30851, 30713, 30571, 30424,
- 30272, 30116, 29955, 29790, 29621, 29446, 29268, 29085,
- 28897, 28706, 28510, 28309, 28105, 27896, 27683, 27466,
- 27244, 27019, 26789, 26556, 26318, 26077, 25831, 25582,
- 25329, 25072, 24811, 24546, 24278, 24006, 23731, 23452,
- 23169, 22883, 22594, 22301, 22004, 21705, 21402, 21096,
- 20787, 20474, 20159, 19840, 19519, 19194, 18867, 18537,
- 18204, 17868, 17530, 17189, 16845, 16499, 16150, 15799,
- 15446, 15090, 14732, 14372, 14009, 13645, 13278, 12909,
- 12539, 12166, 11792, 11416, 11038, 10659, 10278, 9895,
- 9511, 9126, 8739, 8351, 7961, 7571, 7179, 6786,
- 6392, 5997, 5601, 5205, 4807, 4409, 4011, 3611,
- 3211, 2811, 2410, 2009, 1607, 1206, 804, 402,
- 0, -402, -804, -1206, -1607, -2009, -2410, -2811,
- -3211, -3611, -4011, -4409, -4807, -5205, -5601, -5997,
- -6392, -6786, -7179, -7571, -7961, -8351, -8739, -9126,
- -9511, -9895,-10278,-10659,-11038,-11416,-11792,-12166,
- -12539,-12909,-13278,-13645,-14009,-14372,-14732,-15090,
- -15446,-15799,-16150,-16499,-16845,-17189,-17530,-17868,
- -18204,-18537,-18867,-19194,-19519,-19840,-20159,-20474,
- -20787,-21096,-21402,-21705,-22004,-22301,-22594,-22883,
- -23169,-23452,-23731,-24006,-24278,-24546,-24811,-25072,
- -25329,-25582,-25831,-26077,-26318,-26556,-26789,-27019,
- -27244,-27466,-27683,-27896,-28105,-28309,-28510,-28706,
- -28897,-29085,-29268,-29446,-29621,-29790,-29955,-30116,
- -30272,-30424,-30571,-30713,-30851,-30984,-31113,-31236,
- -31356,-31470,-31580,-31684,-31785,-31880,-31970,-32056,
- -32137,-32213,-32284,-32350,-32412,-32468,-32520,-32567,
- -32609,-32646,-32678,-32705,-32727,-32744,-32757,-32764,
- -32767,-32764,-32757,-32744,-32727,-32705,-32678,-32646,
- -32609,-32567,-32520,-32468,-32412,-32350,-32284,-32213,
- -32137,-32056,-31970,-31880,-31785,-31684,-31580,-31470,
- -31356,-31236,-31113,-30984,-30851,-30713,-30571,-30424,
- -30272,-30116,-29955,-29790,-29621,-29446,-29268,-29085,
- -28897,-28706,-28510,-28309,-28105,-27896,-27683,-27466,
- -27244,-27019,-26789,-26556,-26318,-26077,-25831,-25582,
- -25329,-25072,-24811,-24546,-24278,-24006,-23731,-23452,
- -23169,-22883,-22594,-22301,-22004,-21705,-21402,-21096,
- -20787,-20474,-20159,-19840,-19519,-19194,-18867,-18537,
- -18204,-17868,-17530,-17189,-16845,-16499,-16150,-15799,
- -15446,-15090,-14732,-14372,-14009,-13645,-13278,-12909,
- -12539,-12166,-11792,-11416,-11038,-10659,-10278, -9895,
- -9511, -9126, -8739, -8351, -7961, -7571, -7179, -6786,
- -6392, -5997, -5601, -5205, -4807, -4409, -4011, -3611,
- -3211, -2811, -2410, -2009, -1607, -1206, -804, -402,
- 0, 402, 804, 1206, 1607, 2009, 2410, 2811,
- 3211, 3611, 4011, 4409, 4807, 5205, 5601, 5997,
- 6392, 6786, 7179, 7571, 7961, 8351, 8739, 9126,
- 9511, 9895, 10278, 10659, 11038, 11416, 11792, 12166,
- 12539, 12909, 13278, 13645, 14009, 14372, 14732, 15090,
- 15446, 15799, 16150, 16499, 16845, 17189, 17530, 17868,
- 18204, 18537, 18867, 19194, 19519, 19840, 20159, 20474,
- 20787, 21096, 21402, 21705, 22004, 22301, 22594, 22883,
- 23169, 23452, 23731, 24006, 24278, 24546, 24811, 25072,
- 25329, 25582, 25831, 26077, 26318, 26556, 26789, 27019,
- 27244, 27466, 27683, 27896, 28105, 28309, 28510, 28706,
- 28897, 29085, 29268, 29446, 29621, 29790, 29955, 30116,
- 30272, 30424, 30571, 30713, 30851, 30984, 31113, 31236,
- 31356, 31470, 31580, 31684, 31785, 31880, 31970, 32056,
- 32137, 32213, 32284, 32350, 32412, 32468, 32520, 32567,
- 32609, 32646, 32678, 32705, 32727, 32744, 32757, 32764
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