> > I've noticed an alarming number of people seem to stuff up URLS, or post
> > patches then forget to attach the patch. Is it really that hard, to allow
> > those neurons in the brain to function properly enough so that this does
> > not occur? I mean how hard is it to double check something? Especially
> > before its posted to a mailing list of such volume.
> Actually, I'm just pleased when I can send a message without horrific
> spelting mistakes and grammatical errors, as often I do.
You spelled that wrong.
> Really, though, I should read what I'm about to send, even a quick glance
> would pick up most of the cruft that blurts forth from my keyboard.
Heheheh. ;o)
-- Mike A. Harris - Computer Consultant - Linux advocateEscape from the confines of Microsoft's operating systems and push your PC to it's limits with LINUX - a real OS. http://www.redhat.com
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