> Linus Torvalds wrote:
> > On Sun, 19 Jul 1998, Andrej Presern wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Don't get me wrong - I'll make sure it works on an 8MB machine, but I
> > > > won't consider it a showstopper if it is noticeably slower than 2.0.x on
> > > > such a machine.
> > >
> > > Windows have been there, done that. And people decided they didn't like
> > > it and went to Linux. History repeats?
> >
> > Raising the bar has to be done. Windows issn't so much about raising the
> > bar, as of doing it _badly_ (and excessively, in the case of WinNT).
> At this point, ask ourselves.. is the role of Linux still in the rusty old PCs
> inthe backroom? Or has the OS gained enough momentum and respect to start
> to be commonly used in brand new, high end hardware. This is very relatedto how
> much the bar should be raised.
Keeping it running on rusty old PCs has a significant benefit, *if*
the programming effort isn't too high. When a system runs fine on low end
machines it will fly on high end machines. Inefficiences that are masked
on decent half-gig RAM machines are exposed and easily debugged on low end
I have seen this process work in the Apple MacOS world, where developers
keep around older/slower machines just for that purpose.
John Alvord
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