X server and 2.0.34 kernel
Victor Stanescu (bruno@Heineken.lmn.pub.ro)
Tue, 21 Jul 1998 16:36:39 +0300 (EET DST)
I have a very strange problem and I cannot find a logical reason for which
it happens.
The X server, which works fine on a machine with the 2.0.33 kernel, just
doesn't start on the same machine booted with the 2.0.34 or 2.0.35 kernel.
It just gives a SIGIO, without any core, somewhere arbitrary while reading
the configurations.
I can't understand what is the connection between the X server and the
kernel that makes it useless on 2.0.34 or higher. If it would have been a
single computer with this problem I would just reinstalling all the OS,
but the problem is the same in a network with many computers.
Victor STANESCU-network administrator
The Numerical Methods Laboratory,
Politehnica University of Bucharest
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