I've just been offered a very good deal on a SuperMicro P6DKF motherboard.
This one has the capability to take dual Pentium IIs [and I've had it
confirmed by SuperMicro that it will take the Celeron - albeit as a single
processor only - probably because canny/greedy Intel has crippled it :o(],
and has up to 8 x 72pin SIMM slots for a total capacity of 1GB of RAM. I
*like* the look of this one; I'm just wondering if anyone else has this
particular motherboard running Linux and whether they'd like to email me
with their experiences [Please don't cc to the mailing list unless it's of
general interest]
PS How long will it take a P II 233 to compile a kernel? [This one should
be in the FAQ I reckon]
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