> I have to load the iBCS Module also while booting. I prefer to compile
> this module in to the kernel.
iBCS is distributed separately from the kernel. It *only* builds
as a module. It has not been possible to compile it in to the
kernel for several years now.
> But while configuring the kernel, I have
> not come accross any question related to iBCS. I have tried to copy the
> iBCS of 2.0.29 to 2.0.33 which complains the kernel version mismatch.
It would :-). You need to get the latest ibcs-2.0-*.tgz from
tsx-11.mit.edu:/pub/linux/BETA/ibcs-2.1/ and compile it against
the kernel you want to use.
There is now an ibcs-2.1-*-ALPHA.tgz there as well for 2.1.x
kernels (where x should be around 107 or greater) if anyone wants
to try it.
-- .----------------------------------------------------------------------. | Mike Jagdis | Internet: mailto:mike@roan.co.uk | | Roan Technology Ltd. | | | 54A Peach Street, Wokingham | Telephone: +44 118 989 0403 | | RG40 1XG, ENGLAND | Fax: +44 118 989 1195 | `----------------------------------------------------------------------'
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