> > I don't think this is a filesystem problem, or I'd have been getting a lot
> > more reports about it (and judging by how easily it happens to you I
> > should have seen it myself). But there have been occasional grumblings
> > about IDE DMA..
> I disabled IDE-DMA in the kernel and everything seems to be working fine
> now. Multiple rm/untar tests yielded no errors. I've compiled mozilla &
> wine a few times and installed rh5.1 on the spare drive (while still
> running 2.1.109). Nothing. Incidentally, a guy in our local LUG has
> experienced the same problem with his Tyan TomcatIII mb under 2.1.108. He
> said he disabled ide-dma (but didn't say where...kernel or drive) and his
> problems went away.
More than an year ago I have experienced a problem with my IDE drives. My
setup was hda,hdb,hdc IDE HDs and hdd CDROM.
With "maximum performance" settings I have started to experience data
corruption on the filesystems (not really hard corruption, to be honest:
one byte every some 100 megs of files copied .. the test was copying
files all over the disks): even PIO mode 1 didn't work well. Setting by
BIOS the PIO mode 0 for ALL the IDE devices cured the corruption problem.
I have asked to Mark about this problem and he told me to check my IDE
cables because it seemed to him that they where too much long. I have
replaced the cables with shorter ones and the problem went away.
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