--On Wed, 29 Jul 1998 07:02:20 Mark Lord wrote: ............... Hey Guys arguing whether there is a problem or not does not solve anything. Wouldn't a better approach be to let the person compile the UDMA option in or out at his discretion (with a warning). I don't see that the REAL problem has been identified yet. Maybe this option would get some more feedback so that it can be narrowed down. I personally use a champion 3.5 G UDMA drive and have had no corruption problems that I can identify. However I have had hard lockups using UDMA and NFS. Also strange seek errors. All went away disabling UDMA. I experienced similar problems using another 3rd party UDMA patch on 2.0.33. We're dealing with a lot of variables here. Thanks for listening and the effort all you guys put in to make this a great system. Len
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