Re: [linux-usb] How to get aligned memory?
Nick Hibma (
Fri, 31 Jul 1998 10:15:21 +0200 (MET DST)
> This is a so silly question I feel dumb for not having able to
> find it myself ... how can I get aligned memory?
> The problem is I have this structure, 64 bits long which needs
> to be aligned to 16 bytes (thx, Intel >:), but I cannot find my to do
> it (except to allocate a lot until I get it aligned, which is quite
> wasteful :).
Have a look at the malloc man page. I think it tells you that a block of
n bytes (n a power of two) is aligned to the nearest higher power of
two, guarantueed. At least that is the way the Framelist is aligned in
my code. I do check that in debugging mode but it has not failed up to
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