> I'm currently using a Network-Card with a Tulip chip onboard. In the
> Kernel (2.0.35 with prepatch 1 to .36) is the version 0.88 of the driver
> included, but on the webpage of the Developers
> (http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/drivers/tulip.html) is the version
> 0.89H announced (no beta), and this version runs stable since june 98 in
I've got a Linksys Etherfast 10/100 Lan card, with the PNIC chipset. The
new driver has been running fine for a number of months now. It would
certainly make my life more convient if it was part of the official
-- Chris Arguin | "...All we had were Zeros and Ones -- And Chris.Arguin@unh.edu | sometimes we didn't even have Ones." +--------------+ - Dilbert, by Scott Adams http://leonardo.sr.unh.edu/arguin/home.html |
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