> This is brought up on this mailing list about once every 3 weeks,
> and the answer is a straight NO. What is the reason? It is a
> developers nightmare. Maintaining a single tree is hard enough,
> maintaining a bunch of separate archives is a PITA. What it all
> TRULY boils down to is what Linus thinks. Linus is GOD. Linus
> says "No, I will do it this way, and that is it mortal. If you
> want a divided kernel, feel free to divide it yourself and
> distribute.". Linus is GOD. GOD says no. No amount of arguing,
> complaining or anything will change that, not now, not ever.
Linus is Ivonova?
Shalon Wood
-- Not speaking for IBM. import witty.quote.*; OneLiner sig = new OneLiner(); System.out.println(sig);- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu Please read the FAQ at http://www.altern.org/andrebalsa/doc/lkml-faq.html