I tried the kernel options you suggested; the results are below. I didn't
mention this in my original post, but just for the record: I'm building the
kernel for UP with GCC v2.7.2.3.
"pci=bios" : When I try this option the system won't boot at all. It goes
through several cycles of this:
PCI: Discovered primary peer bus 01
PCI: Discovered primary peer bus 100
After this I get a kernel panic and the system is frozen:
Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual
address 00000000
I don't have a log file of this output, but if nessessary I can copy the exact
text off the screen. Let me know if you need it.
"pci=conf1" : When booting I am shown a message:
PCI: No PCI bus detected
Attached is file: pci-conf1.dmesg. Running lspci only produced the message that
/proc/devices/pci wasn't found.
"pci=conf2" : Same behavior as with "pci=bios". No output files.
Please let me know if there are any other tests I can run.
Thank you.
____________________Reply Separator____________________
Subject: Re: Me too: "PCI: Discovered primary peer bus xx"
Author: Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz>
Date: 8/2/98 4:22 PM
> Regarding the "PCI: Discovered primary peer bus xx" problem on 2.1.112:
> I also have this problem with 2.1.112. Like the original poster, my system
> has old hardware. I also have the default PCI options enabled in the build,
> and had no problems with 2.1.111.
> This Pentium/60-based Gateway box was one of the first PCI machines on the
> market back in 1992. I only have 2 devices on the PCI bus: a video card and a
> IDE controller.
> Please let me know if you need more information. Thank you.
Can you try "pci=bios", "pci=conf1" and "pci=conf2" options on the kernel
command line and send me kernel bootup messages and 'lspci -vvx' output
for all three cases?
Have a nice fortnight
-- Martin `MJ' Mares <mj@ucw.cz> http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~mj/ Faculty of Math and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Rep., Earth "Don't take life too seriously -- you'll never get out of it alive." Received: from hoover.gilbarco.com ( by grotto.bus.gilbarco.com with SMTP (IMA Internet Exchange 2.11 Enterprise) id 0005A8C7; Sun, 2 Aug 98 11:37:41 -0400 Received: from server1.gts.cz by mark.gilbarco.com with SMTP id AA28226 (InterLock SMTP Gateway 3.0 for <steve_snyder@gilbarco.com>); Sun, 2 Aug 1998 11:27:21 -0400 Received: from albireo.ucw.cz (root@albireo.ucw.cz []) by server1.gts.cz (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id RAA00706; Sun, 2 Aug 1998 17:27:11 +0200 Received: (from mj@localhost) by albireo.ucw.cz (8.8.8/8.8.8) id QAA03402; Sun, 2 Aug 1998 16:22:25 +0200 Message-Id: <19980802162225.37475@albireo.ucw.cz> Date: Sun, 2 Aug 1998 16:22:25 +0200 From: Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz> To: Steve Snyder <steve_snyder@grotto.bus.gilbarco.com> Cc: linux-kernel@vger.rutgers.edu Subject: Re: Me too: "PCI: Discovered primary peer bus xx" References: <199807291500.AA24464@hoover.gilbarco.com> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii X-Mailer: Mutt 0.84 In-Reply-To: <199807291500.AA24464@hoover.gilbarco.com>; from Steve Snyder on Wed, Jul 29, 1998 at 10:54:07AM -0400--IMA.Boundary.119651209 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="pci-conf1.dmesg" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Description: Unknown data type Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="pci-conf1.dmesg"
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