> Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 02:56:54 +0200
> From: Jakob Borg <jb@k2.lund.se>
> Currently, every once in maybe 5 times I delete a large file, the disk
> space never gets reclaimed, even if I unmount it and remount (which
> should really sync the filesystem) . It is not my root partition.
> Is this some cache problem?
> No, it's not a cache problem. The reason why you don't get the space
> back is because some process still has an open file descriptor on the
> file. The space won't be released until the file descriptor is closed.
Which open file descriptor ? (He wrote that the problem appears even after
unmount and remount...)
[No, I've _never_ seen such a problem]
-- ciao - StefanStefan Traby phone: +43-3133-6107-2 Mitterlasznitzstr. 13 fax: +43-3133-6107-9 8302 Nestelbach mailto://stefan@sime.com Austria
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