We've seen the same thing with Unixware 7 / AIX and AIX/Linux with the
standard userland NFS.
Unixware 7 server and Solaris2.6 client works.
Unixware 7 server and Linux client works.
Unixware 7 server and AIX client fails (similar to above)
Solaris 2.6 server and AIX client works
Linux server and AIX client fails (similar to above)
We could hack round it by permitting Linux to accept mounts from insecure ports
i.e. ports > 1024.
i.e. in /etc/exports
/tmp blah.blah.blah.blah (ro,insecure)
Basically, it seems to be an endianness problem in the mount RPC's somewhere.
I'm not sure if it's Linux thats the cause of the problems (if it is, then
Unixware has the same bug), or AIX.
The connection port is being byte swapped (or possibly not byte swapped)
incorrectly by someone, or maybe NFS is just broken in this regard :)
E-Mail: Peter Waltenberg <peterw@dascom.com>
Date: 05-Aug-98
Time: 11:56:26
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