> No, but certain devfs "cheerleaders" have been responsible for at least
Rah Rah!!!
> Precisely. In Unix we have a very well developed abstraction for saving
> this kind of state: permissions, user/group ownership, modtimes, etc.
> It's called a filesystem. Tar is an unmitigated hack; using a C program
> helps hide the fact that what you're doing is a hack, but it's still a
> hack.
One with millions of inodes even with btree will be slow. I've
benchmarked reiserfs, have you???
> Going to 32-bit device numbers can be easily done during Linux 2.3; the
> glibc interface already supports it. We know where to store the 32-bit
> device in the ext2 filesystem, and how to do so in a backwards
> compatible way; we have abstractions in place that should make it more
> or less painless to go to using 32-bit device numbers. It's a mere
> matter of programming, and it isn't a lot of programming at that.
Ok, you want a fully populated /dev? Fine, be that way. I would
appreciate an *OPTION* to configure in the DEVFS without dl'ing a patch.
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