---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 08:48:39 -0400 (EDT)
From: Eric Lee Green <eric@linux-hw.com>
Reply-To: axp-list@redhat.com
To: axp-list@redhat.com
Subject: sx164 floppy solution (fwd)
Resent-Date: 6 Aug 1998 12:46:04 -0000
Resent-From: axp-list@redhat.com
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I have put a patch for the problem on my home page at
http://www.linux-hw.com/~eric . The URL attached shows the origin of the
patch (all I did was apply his changes to the 2.0.35 kernel, compile,
test, and then diff it).
Eric Lee Green eric@linux-hw.com Linux Hardware Solutions
Systems Specialist Quality Systems Designed For Linux
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 17:30:17 -0500 (CDT)
From: oliver@saturn.ops.neosoft.com
To: eric@linux-hw.com
Subject: sx164 floppy solution
I'm not subscribed to the list, but please post this as everyone asks about it,
and I found that someone else fixed this problem last month:
This was posted last month. This is the solution to the sx164 floppy/ide
the problem is that the ISA DMA controller was not being initialized. I just
keep on seeing people with those problems, and here's the solution. Maybe
someone can put this into the source tree for 2.0.36.
Oliver Soell
Network Engineer, MCSE
NeoSoft, Inc.
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