I was trying to use DE500 ethernet card (based on DEC-21140) on my Linux box
(Redhat 5.1).
Initially, I didn't install any NIC while installing Linux.
Later on, I just plug in the NIC, plug in cable, compiled de4x5.c to produce
de4x5.o in a local directory. I use "insmod de4x5.o" and "ifconfig eth0 up
<ip_addr>" to install it.
Now, "ifconfig -a" shows this interface as UP and I see some message like
"detected 10 Mbps" because of auto-negotiation feature, I suppose.
But, if I do "ping", it says "Network is unreachable".
I would like to know if there is any configuration missing. What is wrong with
'ping' ? I tested with cable/adapter, looks like there is no problem with them.
Any help is appreciated.
I'm not sure whether it is a topic for this channel or not. I'm sorry, if I've
posted it in wrong place. You can send direct reply to me if it is not to
be discussed in this group.
Thanx in advance,
- Somnath.
|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____/ |) \
| Somnath Roy, Wipro Ltd., E-ml:sroy@wipinfo.soft.net /_____|___\
/DivyaSree,30,Mission Rd.,Bl-27, Ph-2241730 (Ext-3305)///////| |
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| Journey of thousand miles begins with a single step |///////| |
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