Re: Upgrading matrox drivers doesn't fix problems with 2.1.115 vesafb

Jon M. Taylor (
Sat, 8 Aug 1998 14:55:27 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 7 Aug 1998, Benjamin Redelings I wrote:

> Well, I upgraded my Matrox Mystique (2MB SGRAM) to BIOS v1.8. With
> vga=ask', I now see some modes that I didn't see before the bios upgrade,
> but I still have 3 problems:
> 80x50: As things scroll off the screen, they stop filling the screen,
> leaving the bottom blank.
> "0301": Penguin looks nice, boot messages are nice. However, when
> switching from X to virtual consoles, monitor makes wierd noises and never
> gets anywhere. I have to switch back to X.
> 80x29: The font is set for 80x29, but the kernel seems to think I did
> 80x43. So, I can't see the bottom lines on the screen.

I doesn't. I get the exact same behaviors (1 & 3) on my S3
Trio64V+. I reported this to the list over a week ago.


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