Re: Kernel 2.0.35 and 36pre2 not starting up
Ion Badulescu (
Sun, 9 Aug 1998 01:06:32 -0400
On Sat, 08 Aug 1998 16:13:32 EDT, Lorenzo M. Catucci wrote:
> So good,
> this is the very first time in years I'm unable to bootstrap a
> stable kernel! The very last message I get is the 'mounting root file
> system readonly', and then the system hangs. I tried both 35 and 36pre2,
> with the very same results; 34 worked well here, but I missed support for
> my asuscom isdn card... As usual, I tried compiling without isdnet, scasi,
> audio support, but no luck... This is an asustek PII motherboard, don't
> remember the name, this is the one w/out scsi support, 128 M onboard with
> ECC enabled. A nice time to all of you, and to Alan in particular...
Did you recreate your /dev/console as a major 5 device (instead of a symlink),
while running 2.1.xx? If so, you need to make it a symlink again, b/c 2.0.xx
does not work with a 2.1 /dev/console.
Another way to quickly check your setup: boot with 'linux init=/bin/bash'; if
you get a shell prompt then your problem is somewhere in userspace (possibly
the console as init tries to open it, but bash doesn't).
It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool,
than to open it and remove all doubt.
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