> Reports of these problems continue. The difficulty manifests itself
> here, and on at least one other reported machine, as TCP stalls on
> large outgoing files after the kernel has been handling quite a lot
> of traffic for a few hours -- a program to demonstrate this is
> available at
> http://www.billabong.demon.co.uk/downloads/socktest.tar.gz (this one
> runs slowly even without running the kernel for some hours)
> Once the file has stalled, TCP only works in little squirts...
> making it run again requires that the interface be taken down and
> re-started. Even then, the stall recurs when another large outgoing
> file is sent.
> An archive of posts so far on this topic is in
> http://www.billabong.demon.co.uk/downloads/tcp-archive.gz
> Reports have been noted so far from
> bernd.paysan@gmx.de
> Zlatko.Calusic@CARNet.hr
> gmack@imag.net
> F.K.W.van.de.Pol@inter.nl.net
> linux@billabong.demon.co.uk
> Any ideas? Tests we can run? Places in the code where we
> should be looking? Any help will be gratefully received!
Please supply a tcpdump of a stalled connection, preferably from
a third machine. Also try if increasing the socket default buffer sizes
(/proc/sys/net/core/[rw]mem_{default,max}) helps
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