/proc/sys/... functionality - bug or feature ?

Oren Laadan (orenl@cs.huji.ac.il)
Tue, 11 Aug 1998 19:00:44 +0300 (IDT)

Hi all,

The implementation of /proc/sys/... (kernel/sysctl.c) implies that
consecutive "read()" from files simply won't work.

For example, in do_proc_dointvec() and proc_dostring(), and the
operation is READ, then a zero-length is read (and returned) if
the file position isn't 0. The problem is illustrated in this

linux> cat /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease

linux> dd if=/proc/sys/kernel/osrelease bs=2
2.1+0 records in
1+0 records out

And this is definitely incorrect behaviour. Unlike files like
/proc/cmdline, that are implemented in a different manner.

The question is whether this is a feature, or a bug in the basic design ?


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