Re: [OFFTOPIC] Re: DEVFSv50 and /dev/fb? (or /dev/fb/? ???)
H. Peter Anvin (
12 Aug 1998 09:43:46 GMT
Followup to: <>
By author: "Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH" <>
In newsgroup:
> |
> | That would still be better than what Sun did: they released their
> | SunOS/Solaris binaries as "free software" for all non-commercial users.
> | I'm not that upset about it, but I think it is counterproductive to the
> | free software movement, including Linux.
> +--->8
> I find it amazing how many people are convinced this is a dig at Linux.
> Exhibit A: Windows NT. (My vote for most probable reason)
> Exhibit B: SCO, which has been doing this for two years already.
Well, *SUN* claimed it was a dig at Linux when they did it...
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