Re: kill -9 <pid of X>
Alan Cox (
Thu, 13 Aug 1998 02:07:51 +0100 (BST)
> On Wed, 12 Aug 1998, Jon M. Taylor wrote:
> > Yes, but the difference if the kernel video drivers crash, I know
> > where to start looking. If X crashes and screws up the video card, the
> > video drivers *could* be the problem. But a whole lot of other things in
> > the X server could also be the problem. XFree86 4.0, which has separate
> > video driver libraries, should help clear this problem up a lot though.
> The kernel is bigger than X, and harder to debug, too. Have you read
> Unix for Dummies yet?
The X server is a lot harder to debug than the kernel. Its large, it takes
ages to build and video hardware was mostly designed by people who evidently
then didnt have to program it.
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