Re: kill -9 <pid of X>

Jon M. Taylor (
Thu, 13 Aug 1998 18:12:25 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 13 Aug 1998, Gerd Knorr wrote:

> >That is what XGGI does - it rides on top of LibGGI, and as
> >such I can retarget the X display to any display target LibGGI supports.
> I've seen libggi supports even the aalib as target. XGGI on top of
> this...
> Can you run X11 on your vt100 ?

Yes. You'll need a mouse from somewhere, though.

> Just kidding,

I'm not. It should work. Somewhere on the web are screenshots of
Mesa-GGI running some OpenGL demos on top of AAlib. The 3D shapes are
quite recognizeable.


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