> > Then next time read the box before purchasing the thing. The
> > "WIN" part of "WINMODEM" should be an amazing clue that it is
> > designed to run in WINDOWS, and not in LINUX.
> No no, the clue is that it's for "windows nt and dos 6.x" I've seen quite
> some pieces of hardware advertised as windows only, which I knew they
> werent wincrap stuff. I havent seen (yet) something says its for linux ;)
And I hope that we never do see something that is just for Linux.
That would imply that we wouldn't be able to use it in other OS's
I don't particularly WANT to use other OS's, but I dont' want to
be limited to any OS _including_ Linux, due to some hardware I've
purchased. I have many uses for a modem in all my OS's, and a
Linmodem would hit the garbage can just as fast as a Winmodem,
Software based hardware solutions are crap...
Take care, TTYL
-- Mike A. Harris - Computer Consultant - Linux advocateEscape from the confines of Microsoft's operating systems and push your PC to it's limits with LINUX - a real OS. http://www.redhat.com
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