Re: Out of ptys??

H. Peter Anvin (
16 Aug 1998 09:37:21 GMT

Followup to: <6r60lr$>
By author: o.r.c@p.e.l.l.p.o.r.t.l.a.n.d.o.r.u.s (david parsons)
In newsgroup:
> >The major number from pty's has changed from 4 to 3 & 2 in 2.1.115.
> I don't know who did this, but, please, change the major numbers
> back; having to manually redo all the /dev entries for ptys
> every time you toggle the system between a <2.1.115 and >=2.1.115
> kernel will get old really fast.

Duh. 2 & 3 has been standard since the late 1.x series; it was just
that support for the now-ancient ones on major 4 was removed in

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