Re: PnP support for Linux [PATCH]

Sid Boyce (
Sun, 16 Aug 1998 14:47:55 +0000

I have had a strange problem with this patch on top of 2.1.115+ac2. I have
3c509 compiled in and networking failed to work, boot up messages were normal.
From machine #1, a ping to #2 is seen, tcpdump there gets "arp who has", but it
doesn't respond, from #2, #1 sees nothing according to tcpdump and its light on
the hub doesn't flash, yet ifconfig on both machines says packets are being sent
and received, really strange and confusing.
If I now boot #1 on 2.1.113, networking is fine. I then tried eexpress 16 as a
module on #1 and I get into a loop with reset errors, this is with just the one
eth card installed.
I've reversed the patch on #1 and it works fine with #2 still with the diff-pnp
patch and 3c509b's in both machines (NFS and ip-chains).
... Sid Boyce...Amdahl(Europe)...44-121 422 0375 
Any opinions expressed above are mine and do not necessarily represent
 the opinions or policies of Amdahl Corporation.

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