Re: A true story of a crash.

Matt Agler (
Sun, 16 Aug 1998 18:41:15 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 16 Aug 1998, Matt Agler wrote:
> Exactly. Nobody's saying you have to be at the console in the flesh.
> Perhaps you have a oneliner daemon that waits for this condition and then
> does a telinit. The point is that at this point, you are in a situation
> where you can handle things _OUTSIDE THE KERNEL_ with arbitrary
> complexity. If you want to kill everything, or reboot, fine. Each admin
> can do whatever he thinks is best and the kernel doesn't need to take a
> heavy-handed one-size-fits-all aproach.

Actually, after looking at the init manpage, we don't need another
deamon. We've got init. There could be a new action called, say, nomem
to go right alongside powerfail and ctrlaltdel. While the kernel is
putting things to sleep to get the system under control, it could signal
init to run the nomem action for the current runlevel.

This sounds very simple, elegant and configurable to me.


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