Re: Winmodem support

Henning P. Schmiedehausen (
17 Aug 1998 11:30:14 +0200 (Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH) writes:

>In message <>,
>is Zwilling writes:
>| Linux dominating the desktop - as soon as it becomes a serious threat
>| manufactures will release information or develop their own drivers. I
>| just hope that someone wises up and they stop making the "Win*" products.

>The ironic part of all of this is that Winmodems don't work with NT, either.

Well, that's interessant.

I have an Acer Notebook with an integrated WinModem (that's why I'm
interested in a driver for it), according to the Acer Extensa 710 TE
Laptop Page, the modem is not supported under Linux (WinModem...) but
there _is_ a driver for NT 4.0 on the acer ftp server...


Dipl.-Inf. Henning P. Schmiedehausen --      
TANSTAAFL! Consulting - Unix, Internet, Security      

Hutweide 15 Fon.: 09131 / 50654-0 "There ain't no such D-91054 Buckenhof Fax.: 09131 / 50654-20 thing as a free Linux"

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