> I hope you havn't updated the rom on that Courier recently.. USR modems
> have become crap recently. A recnetly flashed Courier is luck to connect
> to anything except USR stuff... It's very very sad. I owned a Courrier
> 9600 HST, then a Dual standard, all very very good stuff.. Now they only
> sell junk.. I've got an Imodem, on a Linux IPMASQ box and I have to reboot
> it every too or three days or it just starts droping ISDN connections (I'm
> luckey to have a static IP)..
I concur. Ever since 3Com bought them out, their product quality have
dropped quite alarmingly. I must be one of the lucky ones to own a top
notch Courier bought 2 years ago - the ones out on sale badged as 3Com
aren't very nice. It's a pity because USR used to do very high quality
modems. Seems like the short sighted "profits before quality" policies
from the pointy haired bastards strikes back again.
Hmm. My Courier was purchased approximately 2 years ago as well, and it
was a very nice model, even when the Sportsters purchased at the same
time started turning into crap. (Sportsters used to be good modems,
too, then USR dropped the price and the quality of the Sportsters took a
nose dive --- all of this before 3Com bought out USR, so we can't lay
this entirely at 3Com's door.)
So recent model Couriers have gone the way of Sportsters, eh? Too bad.
I'll have to look at some other higher quality external modem.....
- Ted
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