The Keyboard That Never Returned...

Harvey Fishman (
Mon, 17 Aug 1998 18:18:59 -0400 (EDT)

I just moved from a machine with a Micronics M54 system board and a 100
MHz. Pentium to a machine with a SuperMicro P6SBS system board and a 400
MHz. PII and I am having a major problem. With any kernel later than
2.1.108 if I let the Vesa timer shut down the display, when I recover the
keyboard is TOTALLY non-responsive beyond that single stroke to bring the
picture back. I am not using XWindows at all, but the display adapter is
a Matrox Productiva 100 AGP card with 8 MB of RAM. The planar BIOS on the
SuperMicro system board is an AMI. Everything works fine with 2.1.106,
2.1.107, and 2.1.108 - those were the oldest kernels that I have currently
have configured binaries for. I tried 2.1.109, 2.1.111, 2.1.112, 2.1.113,
2.1.114, and 2.1.115 and all fail. Similarly with 2.1.115 with the Alan
Cox patch set. Is there any other information that I can provide to help
someone suggest a fix for this? Thanks for any help.


 Harvey Fishman   | |           A little heresy is good for the soul.
  718-258-7276    |

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