> On Tue, Aug 18, 1998 at 12:45:21AM -0700, Philippe Troin wrote:
> > Reread your TCP books.
> > It's perfectly normal. Unless the sockets remain in CLOSE_WAIT more than say
> > 15 minutes...
> I'm well aware of the purpose of the CLOSE_WAIT state.
> tcp 1 0 aikon.incarnate.n:30687 aikon.incarnate.n:31337 CLOSE_WAIT
> tcp 1 0 aikon.incarnate.n:30655 aikon.incarnate.n:31337 CLOSE_WAIT
> tcp 1 0 aikon.incarnate.n:30625 aikon.incarnate.n:31337 CLOSE_WAIT
> tcp 1 0 aikon.incarnate.n:30562 aikon.incarnate.n:31337 CLOSE_WAIT
> tcp 1 0 aikon.incarnate.n:30501 aikon.incarnate.n:31337 CLOSE_WAIT
> These five sockets have been stuck in their state for about five
> hours now, and the process that controls them has been dead for as long.
> I've gone over my process list several times looking for the offending
> threads.
I stand corrected. I'll never skim through posts and read TIME_WAIT where
CLOSE_WAIT is written. This is definitely not normal.
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