Boot Logo Selection

Clifford Wolf (
Tue, 18 Aug 1998 14:33:38 +0200 (MEST)


i just wrote a patch which allows the user to select a boot-logo at
compile time. The concept is easy: All the logos are saved as
include/linux/linux_logo_<logoname>.h and include/linux/linux_logo.h is
just a symlink to one of the possible logos. If one does not select any
logo the system takes linux_logo_default.h.

Now the cool thing: There is no central list of installed logos. The
scripts just look for include/linux/linux_logo_*.h and asks the user
in a submenu of 'Console Drivers' which one to take. The logo descriptions
are saved in the first line of the logo header file like this:

// The Description goes here
/* $Id: linux_logo.h,v 1.3 1998/07/06 15:51:16 jj Exp $
* include/linux/linux_logo.h: This is a linux logo
* to be displayed on boot.
* Copyright (C) 1996 Larry Ewing (

It's importand to use a // comment instead of a /* */ comment becouse the
script can only remove a leading '// ' from the description.

The patch has a size of 216 kB - so I don't attach it. Please download it
from <> instead.

- clifford

BTW: IMHO the ppm2logo patch from Bernd Paysan should go in the
official kernel tree.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Clifford Wolf
magnet - Internet at Work IRC: efnet / clifford
Director of System Development
e-mail: email:

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